Sri. G K Sathyakeerthi
Chairman, VCP
I extend a very warm welcome to you and congratulate you for your wisdom in choosing this profession of Pharmacy.
Pharmacy is an evergreen profession and there is a great demand for qualified pharmacists in the Pharmaceutical Industries, hospitals and community Pharmacy. The pandemic has truly proved the valuable role of pharmacists in the manufacturing, distribution and sale of drugs. This profession will bring you an opportunity to build a career and to serve the society.
I also congratulate you for choosing VCP to pursue your studies, which is one of the oldest and most reputed college in Bengaluru. The Janatha Education Society was established by a group of eminent individuals from different fields who had excelled in their chosen areas. Ever since it was set up, the JES has been committed to the cause of providing high quality education to students at affordable cost. This year, as we celebrate our golden jubilee, the JES stays just as dedicated to our mission of providing holistic education to our students.
Most of our faculty members have close to two decades of teaching experience and so, you are fortunate to have their expert guidance in academic as well as co-curricular activities.
I hope you will have an enriching experience during the course of your study and I wish you all the very best as you embark on this exciting journey with us at Vivekananda College of Pharmacy.
G K Sathyakeerthi
Chairman, VCP